
by ~Fallen Angel~   Dec 13, 2005

Mom everyone loves you
Your smile brightens up the room
Your kindness and devotion knows no bound
When were together and everyones around
They see the relationship they only wish they had
So I want to say Thank you

Thank you for teaching me
How to put on an act
How to manipulate
How to lie

I want to Thank you
For closing your eyes and looking the other way
All those times.
For each time you showed me why life is so cold

Thank you for teaching me
What true pain is
What it feels to abandoned
What hunger and selfishness is all about

I want to that Thank you
For showing me hell.
But I what I really want to Thank you for
is making it clear of what I never want to be.

Yes Mom everyone loves you
Your smile brightens up the room
Your kindness and devotion knows no bound
When were together and everyones around
They see the relationship they only wish they had


Copyright ©2005 Georgina M


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sondos

    I love this
    I was close to tears in the middle brilliant work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Krysten

    I just moved out of my own mothers house b/c of all these reasons. i love you poetry your on my favs

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    V powerful and full of anger .. i reli lykd this one.. how u started lyk u gonna talk bout how u love ur mom then change the mood.. gud job
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Sounds like my mum, I can relate, good job hit the nail dead on

  • 19 years ago

    by Live, Laugh, Love

    Aww hun.. You put a lot of emotion into this.. I'm really sorry about everything you've been through.. I hope it just made you stronger..