So empty.

by ~*~Morgan~*~   Dec 13, 2005

I feel so empty tonight
The end is no where in sight

Tears fill my eyes
I am living in a disguise

No one can see the real me
They perceive only what I've set free

Some see that, Some see this
Others don't acknowledge I even exist

I don't know where to turn
Everywhere I go, I return

Return, To this awful state of mind
Where my feelings are being so confined

Locked up in a dark secret place
Only to be opened ,if to be erased

I'm putting my life on hold
Before it gets to much more out of control

I need your help, help me through
Lend me a hand,for support,thats been long overdue.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Demise

    Great poem, love it, the only posible thing I would change is mixing up some of the words, in between lines, But I love it DEFFINATAELY a 5/5 poem,
    Great poetic piece, keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    Its fantastic! I like the rhyming and the imagry most of all. Keep up the good work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    very sad.
    It's very descriptive and emotional. but for me its not too original.
    that probably sounds dumb or mean or something but if its important to you then thats all that matters.

  • 18 years ago

    by loretta Taylor

    Very nice. I like the form. I also like the content. I like short poems that hold a lot of emotion. Loretta 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Hmm I'm not sure about this poem if I'm perfectly honest. For starters the rhyme is very bland and predictable. Most of the ideas are overused ones too. The only thing I can say is it had fairly good flow. Sorry I couldn't be more positive, but I always think it's better to be honest than sugar coat everything.