Unanswered Prayers

by Bill Turner   Dec 13, 2005

Many a long year I was angry with God
Bitter because he failed to answer my prayers
Each night as I lay down I would make my plea
Money, fortune and fame were not what I sought
Not once did I ask for something I could have bought

I spent my time seeking an end to my life
It did not matter how just that it came
As time passed I became angrier that I was ignored
Dear God please deliver me from this wretched life
I took risks and unnecessary chances trying to end the strife

The audacity of him to ignore such a simple prayer
Never once thinking that I asked too much
Seeking a quick death or an affliction that would not heal
Apparently I had a part to play in someone's life
I was forced to endure finally saving my son from my wife

I played my part and performed with all my heart
Suddenly I began to feel and enjoy what I had
I did not know why but I knew that I had to try
Letting people into my life they were no longer at arms length
It has been over a year and I lived my life gathering my strength

I felt with all my heart and loved with all my soul
Experiencing things I never thought I would feel
Lately though I am tired and the feeling has turned to pain
I never realized I would feel such deep sorrow for my giving
Hurt to the depths of my soul it is so hard, this living

I am no longer thankful for unanswered prayers
Yea though I saved my sons young life
I feel such a wound and unheard of pain
My affairs are in order it is time to blur that line
No matter how hard I try I cannot get back to fine


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Bill Turner

    Like life, it was meant to be jarring....life is seldom subtle.

  • 18 years ago

    by Razorblade

    Terrific write. Extremely deep. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Kathrynn

    Awesome poem- i feel your pain.. i too have prayed for death and never heard God's answer
    but, God has a plan for everyone- including you- and obviously, that plan is not for you to die yet- He still needs you here on earth

    i'm not sure it will help at all, but there's a song you should check out, it's called Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks (and yes, it is country, but you don't have to listen to it, just read the lyrics)
    and, always remember- even when you don't know how to pray, when you don't have the words, the Holy Spirit is interceding for you everyday.
    Jesus knows pain- and heals people everyday
    your day will come

    God Bless You,

  • 18 years ago

    by Karla Gordon

    Beautiful work as always.. I feel your pain and dispair.. heart wrenching poem. You are very talented. Chin up hon.. things will get better.. I am sure.. your a sweet, caring man!

  • 18 years ago

    by Angie

    Feeling the pain all the way through, very deep and emotional. Our prayers are always answered, although sometimes we don't see it..... keep on searching for those answers and keep on writing too....... keep your chin up and don't ever give up there is always hope. I'm here if you need to talk.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

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