Heart broken literally

by яock godеѕѕ   Dec 13, 2005

My heart has been broken once again. How can he sit there and smile. While I feel the blood tripping from my wrists I think. I thought you said you would never hurt me, what a lie that was why couldnt you be different and not like all the others but no. Why all are guys great at the start then by the end of it all youre sitting on the floor pouring your heart out to him and him no even giving a stuff about you As I sit there I can feel my heart breaking. Why to me again. As you watch him walk away he turns around Youre friend umm whats her name that friend of yours umm Jessica thats it your best friend was the best root I ever had can you tell that to her for me as he turned back to the door with a smirk on his face. You stand up and get your little brothers baseball bat Hey Chris you say sweetly. He turns around yes stuff you as you continuously hit him with the baseball bat until he is unconscious. His blood and your blood are now on the floor dripping everywhere but youre heart has just been ripped out and been hanging on a clothes line for long enough so you get a knife from the kitchen see you later IN HELL CHRIS as u kiss him gently and stick the knife in his heart then you do the same to you.
You are heart broken literally....


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  • 19 years ago

    by ♥SeRioUsLy DyinG♥

    Omg!!!! I hAtE WeN BoiZ Do ThiS 2 U....BuT i HoPe Ur DoINg Ok....Don'T WoRRy BoUT iT GuRL....U'LL GeT Em BAc L8R....ThANkz 4 Da CoMMenT....HAng n ThErE... *-patti-*

  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I really liked your poem. I know it was written by a human with emotions and feelings.

  • 19 years ago

    by Debbs

    Hey i like this poem sumtimes i feel like doin that to the guys who break my heart if not to them to myself great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by x. Sleeping Beauty .x

    I really loved this poem... you read lots about broken hearts... but this is different... i understand how you feel ... because im kind of getting the same. :(... o well i love your poems keep writing. love zowie x x x