Forever til never

by heart broken :(   Dec 13, 2005

I remember when you told me on that October night.that we would grow old and still be best friends.we would be theses two old ladies living together. you told me never to forget that. never.. as we walked and trick-or-treated down the road. you told me that i was your best friend til the end. we would have double weddings, maybe even twins. when we turn 18 are first tattoos together. we felt like we could tell each other everything and anything. we where so happy that we where going into high school. the first two weeks where great.but then something happened. we stopped talking on the phone, stopped saying hello to each other every morning, we found new friends. new people to hang out with, new hello's every morning. new phone conversions. we told each other it would be FOREVER. god those's memories where great. memories you may forget, but memories i will NEVER FORGET.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Foolish Heart

    That was very good....very true...5/5
    muh AOL is BabyAznLover if u wanna talk sometime =]

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