The Life

by Rikusho   Dec 14, 2005

One man stands alone, looking for a crutch. One man looking for support. One man standing out in the cold.....alone.........


One mans life.......all that he has left. One thing he struggles to keep going. The one ting left with meaning. The one thing that keeps him alive.
The mans life going through hoops and going around in circles. Confusion and frustration is all he can seem to get. He finds himself turning to one ting to keep him going straight, and to keep him sane.
His life conflicting within each other, and creating all tension. Conflicts with time between the two halves. One side depending on the other, and the other side fighting to keep him alive.
The two sides fight for domination, for control, for domination of the whole life. The battle for the rule over the body, rule of the soul. A man unable to decide what to fight for. What to do.
The two sides of one mans life, destroying each other. Destroying him and his surroundings. Destroying his sanity, and his strength and body........


The man standing alone, looking for a crutch, that is destroying him....the life....that could not be, the life that would tear the man apart and kill him


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dreaming_Awake

    Hey there great poem and nive job it kep me readign and i loved it

  • 19 years ago

    by Areyoucrazy

    Hey you , nice poem . Better then mine :P ... keeeeeeeeeep writting ehehe ok .
    So what's that one thing that keeps him going ? .

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