Questions unanswered,
Fears yet unknown.
Sitting in the darkness,
My thoughts are alone.
Wondering which direction,
Which path I choose to take?
Hoping for the right decision,
Praying that hearts don't break.
For I have to take a journey,
That will tear us apart.
A journey to my homeland,
To mend this broken heart.
The lying and the bullying,
The bruises on my face.
The memories etched within me,
Are pictures I can't erase!
For my life, my child was in your trust,
But like always you was in a rush.
To be the lad and taste the gin,
forgetting the hurt you'd left us in.
What did I do?
Was I that bad?
What was it?
Why were you always mad?
I guess my love for you was wrong?
Now my feelings deep inside are strong,
This fight has gone on TOO LONG!