Tragedy Part 1

by Kurosenpai   Dec 14, 2005

Tonight it happen just so soon i first had happiness now as darkness sorrow and pain returns back to my heart this is just the beginning of how the tragedy struck my soul like a sword from the stone people don't care anymore now i am left all alone in a world of nothing but sorrow and pain you did nothing but everyone is to bl-aim you started it in this lien game they did nothing but you put it to shame now i see i am all alone with no house family nor home and thats how tragedy struck me deeper like a bullet to my chest you took away my respect but thats what i get for loving you to death

To be continued............................

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  • That was really good. and im sorry for what happened. keep it up 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Hey, this was good. Although you need some more flow and grammer use. I can't wait to read the next part.


    Overall Rating: 3/5
    (Irate harshly so I'm not going to rate it, okay?)