U & i

by sameeha abdulnasir   Dec 14, 2005

You and I are old souls, young at heart.

You and I have a will that writes our dreams

And directs our chart

Along some foggy path.

We see the variation of theme,

And want to rewrite its outcome in the aftermath.

You and I

We're more than two...

We're four and more.

You and I have our sights locked into

The timeless battles of the eth'ral gods.

The torch burns into

Each nerve of every sense,

And we search for "evens" for the "odds"

Against love's anger in civil disobedience.

You and I,

For all we do,

The heart is sore.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    Nice one...Keep writing...you have got talent...take care and keep smiling...