Friends: Part I-"My Angels"

by Torn   Dec 14, 2005

*to my angels..u should all know who you are:P*

My angels I like to call them,
Divine people sent from up above.
Always there to pick me up,
To extend their gratitude and love.

They have their own problems,
Yet they're still there for me till the end.
Picking up my broken pieces.
Helping to mend me once again.

People with such talent,
I want the whole world to see.
How their feelings and emotions,
Are put into words, for a poem to be.

Their soothing, comforting words,
Calm even my most angry days.
Where I think this has to be the end,
And I'm convinced it's time to go away.

They are there with their strong words,
And they prove me wrong.
Help out my little worries,
They teach me how to be strong.

So I'd like to thank you my angels,
Without you I'd be gone.
Remember I'm always here for you,
You're never ever alone.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Razorblade

    Great write! You did an awesome job. Your friends are lucky to have you.


  • 19 years ago

    by Fugi Andisfather

    This poem is good, but id suggest a better flow

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Amazing, beautiful tribute to your friends! I hope you guys are always there for each other, as it should be. best wishes forever...

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    0hhh hun!!!!! Anna that was s0 beautiful!! very well written a beaytiful dedicati0n! great j0b 0n it! i l0ved it!! keep it up!

    s0rry i havent c0mmented 0n my p0em s0oner its just the site w0uldnt let me c0mment 0n ne friendship p0ems =S but n0w its letting me! neway g0od j0b!! talk s0on
    l0tz 0f l0ve /d0ra

  • 19 years ago

    by ~lost*and*lonely~

    Awww thats so sweet you must really have great friends!!! and i think they are lucky to have a friend like you, well written poem! keep it up like always