
by IhEaRtMaX   Dec 15, 2005

You left me scars that you can't see
the kind that hurts the most
no blood can drip with more pain
than the scars of my heart he broke

you know not of a scar like this
for you were never heart broken
but I'll make sure you know how it feels.
I'll say a million words without them being spoken

Why'd you do this? Is this what you wanted? To turn me hardcore?
I have nothing left in my heart for you, and you'll be knocking on the door for more.

The scars are so hideous. People ask me why I look so down.
I'll tell them what you did,
how I got this frown.

"Mark gave me this broken heart," I would say, and make sure you heard, "The scars he left will never be healed til the day I tell him my every thought and every word."


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rickilee

    That is such a good poem! i really really like it. and i can completly relate to it. really good job!