Behind This Smile

by Jackie Marie   Dec 15, 2005

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I would like to know what people think about my work*

Upset or angry
But no one can see
Because this [ [f a k e] ] smile
Hides the real me
I cry constantly
My eyes get so red
From all this stuff that happens
Is stuck in my head
And no one can see
That I am in all this pain
Because if I show them the real me
They wouldn't treat me the same
[ [ReJeCtIoN] ] is what I would face
A freak is what they would call me
That's what they do to the others
The pain is what others do not see
So, Forever I will
Behind this smile I shall stay
Not being me
Is what I'll have to be everyday

© Jay Marie


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  • 18 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    Touched the heartstrings again. I guess everyone feels like this sometimes and you captured the feeling well.

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great peice of writting, good flow and structure with some fantastic content.


  • 18 years ago

    by xxashadowxx

    D. it's an awsome pome.... cheak mine out d. and tell me what you think. (xxashadowxx)

  • Wow i remember that i felt like this a lot of the time and it hurts me to c u feel like this...listen whenever u need to talk to somebody i want u to know that i'm here...always...i'm just a e-mail away...5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    I can relate fully! another wonderful poem! you know your on my favorites!!!!! 5/5 of course!