Friends or Backstabbers

by anastasia   Dec 15, 2005

*In the beginning their nice and true
*Whatever they do they do for you

*But then one day they\'ll be a chat
*Where they talk about you behind your back

*They\'ll deney it and lie
*and eventially stel your special guy

*They\'ll begin to feel bad
*But youve already gotton far to mad

*I told you once
*And ill tell you again

*Are they backstabberes?
*Or are they your friends?

another poem i wrote when i was alot younger tell me what u think

Copyright ©2005


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  • 12 years ago

    by acquisto alicia

    I believe that they are both friends and then turn on you and become backstabbers.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    This is a really good poem! It kinda sounds like some of my friends sometimes. Great poem though!! I loved it! 5/5