R.I.P J.O 1981-2004

by Janine Fournier   Dec 16, 2005

Not a moment to think, not a chance to react
A second it took, and you were gone just like that
Not a thought in your mind, not a chance for goodbye
You left us all shocked, wondering why

No time for a prayer, or a plea for your life
A second it took to lose you that night
Not an ache in your heart for the ones you would leave
You left us all stricken with a lifetime to grieve

No chance for a smile or your signature wink
A second it took and you were gone in a blink
Not a chance to reflect on the life you had lived
You left us all shattered wondering how to forgive

Not a minute for destiny to change the cold truth
A second it took to take a life full of youth
No turning back to rearrange your fate
You left us all broken wishing it wasn't too late

Not a moment to think, not a chance to react
A second it took to change our lives just like that
No time for a thought of no chance for good bye
You left us with memories that promise never to die.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Clouds n ur Is

    Excellent poem. I'm sorry for your loss.

    *Clouds n ur Is.*