Comments : Hope The real Version

  • 18 years ago

    by Ana

    Hope? Sometimes it is crushed and it is one of our drives in society, but sometimes hope can munipulate someone to see the good side of things, and sometimes whateverwas hoped for does find its way to the owner in one way or another. It is sadder to see a person die with no hope-lose faith- than to see a person live a horrible life-but be hopeful for the best. I guess the only agonizing thing is if hope fails, the believer falls hard, and the non-believer continues life. It's our choice. Do you hope for things even if you know they may never come? Do you believe in things you will never truly understand?

    I hope because it adds meaning to life. Even if y hopes are crushed, I lived a happy life until that one horrible day, instread of day after day of an obsolete life.