Breaking down

by alwaysremeniceus   Dec 16, 2005

A long week,
a week of pain,
the entire time they tried not to leak,
tried not to leak out the emotions again.

full of arguments and silence,
they're scared that he might die,
he's trying to push her away, hence,
she realizes he's been covering a lot of pain with lies.

he tries to protect her,
so she won't have to carry his burden,
feel the pain that would haunt her,
but she does.

knowing about his burden and pain,
she only hurts more.
despite all the that she will hang on,
continue to try to get what they fight for.

its finally time,
time for her to break down,
when will she stand up again,
when will he come back around?

all the things that stop them from being together,
but they continue to hang on,
hoping once its all over,
they can be together forever.

she thinks of him everyday, he's her world,
he continues on with his day,
but with the rings around his neck,
he remembers what he wants to say, just those words.

to love and to hurt,
to fall down, and stand back up again.
true love split apart,
but they'll be together sometime, just when?

until then,
they continue, breaking down.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sammikinz

    Good poem...well done...i loved it xxx

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