Daddy's Lies-A Beauty Ruined

by Forsaken Redeemer   Dec 16, 2005

A young girl lies silently
Upon a police slab,
After she ended her pain
With slice after slice, stab after stab.

She tells without words
Of how she was abused,
Emotionally and physically,
Always hurt and used.

These bruises on her body,
The scars left upon her form,
Unable to cry out,
Her fragile being was broken and torn.

A beauty ruined,
Perfection left to burn in the light,
It had started when she was so young,
She didn't know wrong from right.

A daughter broken by her father,
By his ruthless molestation,
The years of hiding this dirty shame,
The cause of her devastation.

Signs of abuse, rape, beatings,
All on her small girlish body,
A body which holds life no longer,
She set herself free.

Autopsy, testing, causes of death,
An answer so obvious as the police wait patiently,
But, something they did not expect,
An incestuous teenage pregnancy.

Pregnant by her father,
Each night his rape and lies,
Her mother and sisters never knew,
Never heard her muffled cries.

So they pore all over her body,
Examining the evidence left behind,
But theyve only touched the tip of the iceberg,
There's so much left to find.

© Copyright of Holly Nia Goodson


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  • 19 years ago

    by never_quite_me

    This is really well written but incredibly sad to read. xxx