Comments : Liquid Healer

  • Im sorry about your loss... V_V It was a really good poem, and i liked the flow of it, as well as the rhymes.. i know thats not much to be able to say about such a poem as this...


  • 19 years ago

    by Letty

    This is an excellent poem, but I hope its not true about you getting wasted . I've been down that road over a thousand times and believe me when I say its not good . The bottom of a bottle is not the answer . You should put all that wasted energy and time into you're poetry . It will help you relieve stress, release anger, and it won't leave you with a hang-over the next day . So you just keep writting and I'll keep reading . I'm gonna put you in my favorites so I can keep an eye on you .

    Stay Sober, you're friend


  • 19 years ago

    by Letty

    Again I compliment you on you're fantastic poem . I enjoyed reading it .


  • 19 years ago

    by Bobbi

    Just for the record i am sober and always have been. actually i found out he was the one drinking alot but he got over it after awhile. we talk every now and then but it is really akward and strained.