Would you be there at the gate?
My eyes scanned every face, no,
You will be where you told me, I know,
Yet my desire not to pass
Continually drew my eyes
The faces were transparent
They were not you
Each body I passed down the corridor
Was examined with scrutiny
Yet they never saw me
They were not you
The ticket counter, crowded
No one was alone
No one was looking for me here, I felt it
You were waiting
As if led by your hand
I followed, drawn through this maze
Called renovation
Drawn like the labor of a new life
Striving for that first breath,
I was pulled to the lift
Upward soars my heart as I
Come for you
As if by my command it was opened
I could taste the glory of the night
Hastily drawing that first drag
Pushing it away just as hurriedly
Acclimating myself now to where
I know you are
When I saw you in the distance
Darkened corridor my only obstacle now
I knew,
You were waiting, staring
Eyes fixed on birds of steel
Yet they whisked past you unnoticed
You were waiting
Slowly I began my walk to you
Eyes fixed on that radiant light,
That earth born star which led my soul
Until I reached you
Slow pace unchanged, three more steps I take
Stop, turn, and recite
That one line of poetry named you,
You turned, so met our eyes
You came to me,
Bag dropping to my side and
You were there
No longer waiting
My arms wrapped round my neck
My head taking refuge under my chin
Your arms embrace in reflex,
The other half of my soul, and
As needed
Our souls again were united
Never to wait again