My Love for Him!

by Erika   Dec 17, 2005

Love is a gamble,
and your heart is the dice.
So before you roll,
you'd better think twice.

So here's my dilema,
I love him, do I take the gamble?
Should i go for it,
and just hope my heart doesn't get trampled?

Or should i sit waiting,
with a spec of hope.
Wondering instead of asking,
just afraid he'll say "nope."

Can you help me,
just tell me what to do?
Can you assure me,
he'll say, "I Love you, too."?

Well nobody can decide but me,
what will I do?
Guess we'll find out,
but right now i have no clue.

** plz comment


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  • 18 years ago

    by 1Darksecret

    Wow this looks like a popular poem, but i can see why. I really like it ALOT! Nice job! Who's this guy you're soo craZy about?

  • 19 years ago

    by ReeneLou

    This poem is soooo good i just thought i'd check you out as you comented on my poem i'd give you some advice if i knew what to do but i don't so i'll just say good luck xox

  • 19 years ago

    by Cody

    Very good I like it I'm going through all of you poems now

  • 19 years ago

    by Dolores DLF

    That was so cool. I am so proud that a talent like you took the time to comment on mine. I am going to save you to my favorites. Great Job. Take care.

  • 19 years ago

    by *AsHLeY05*

    I thought i was the only girl in this world in this position but im not obviously i can soo soo relate and it sucks especially when hes ur bestfriend and theres that chance u may screw up the best friend ship u've ever had but u kno what thats life thats what lifes all about takin chances and if it dont work out at least u lived ur life truely and not a lie for the rest of it! lemme kno how it goes!!! good luck! ~aSh~