Comments : Gang Life

  • 19 years ago

    by Tim Bradshaw

    I know exactly what you mean! My cousin and I lived the same life. But it can be changed I changed now i have a house a car a family and he didn't change. He is serving 10-15 now.

  • 19 years ago

    by Tim Bradshaw

    But i really did love the poem i totally feel where it all is coming from. Ur in my favs

  • 19 years ago

    by Kara

    Thanks for the suggestion on "I make my family sick" I can relate to this poem cuz I know about the pain gang shit can cause. I hope u make good decisions. This poem rocked!

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Amazing! What really drew me to this poem was your title, i saw it and i just had to read it. I'm currently reading a gang story right now and i found it really ironic that i found this poem as well lol! Its truly well done! Your flow was also well done!

    This has got to be the first gang poem i've even read and its great! I have also written some gang poems, but i haven't posted em up yet LOL! i should do that soon! ye ye!

    Ne wayz your poem is beautifully written and has such meaning behind it.

    I really liked the lines:

    "I was born into this life of crime
    But to those who aren't
    Need know one thing

    We don't chose this life; it choses us
    And yeah at times its fun
    But that all ends when you see a gun"

    Those lines are so powerful and truthful that I wanted to say DAMN STRAIGHT! Kudos man, you a great writer! Never stop writing! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by LyricalFlow

    Wow! Deep. I know what u mean ppl watch all this stuff on tv and wish it was them , they think dat its fun, i used to thing the same thing but dont anymore, id never wanna see some1 close to me slain. I feel ya 4what u go thru, but remember u gotta keep ur head up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacqui Armstrong

    I liked the last stanza... its so true life chooses us... we dont get a say.

    well done!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Richard

    Hmm kinda sounds like a rap song?
    i like the story tho very good 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by stlzhunii420

    Its true its not as if you wont this life its something your expected to do an have to do to stay a live, life aint free in the ghetto you have to show them what you want to be.....
    always hold ya head up

  • 19 years ago

    by stlzhunii420

    Its true its not as if you wont this life its something your expected to do an have to do to stay a live, life aint free in the ghetto you have to show them what you want to be.....
    always hold ya head up

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~*Jenna Leigh*~*~

    Very good, reminds me of myself a lil.
    keep it up!
    Jenna Leigh

  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Great poem! Thef low is flawless and I love the format-Each line is short and it makes the poem easy to read. I love the end when you wrote how you dont choose life-life chooses you. So True! Amazing write---Keep it up! 5/5