Comments : Katie

  • 19 years ago

    by ShhhhItsASecret©

    Awwww, That is an excellent poem! I really love it! You are very talented... I love the entire thing... It flowed beautifully, and the message was very clear.. I'm sorry about your loss... Great job putting your feelings into a poem! Keep writing!


  • 19 years ago

    by Tess

    Aww sweetheart... this brought tears to my eyes. I lost my bestfriend a little while back to cancer and this touched that empty spot in my heart for her. I am sooooo sorry to hear of your loss but stay strong okay. If you ever need someone to lean on, I am always here for you. On the whole- this poem was amazing. Thanks again for allowing me to read it! It is wonderful! Love ya, Tess xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Neil

    Aww katie seemed such a gr8 person i hope shes happy where she is nd btw i love ur poem its real sweet sad yet