by Crystal
Girl, I am so sorry if this happened to you, i can definetely relate to you. I did finally tell someone though. If you ever need someone to talk to, my email address is or im me at monki_chik. Really good poem. |
by sandra
Wow that poem was deep and intresting i have so much to say but not the right words |
by amandaa
Omg it's so GOOD (the poem). You're not alone, I promise. They're people who know what you're going through......(that sounded retarded) They're people who care. You're so brave to be able to live. |
by aimee
Oh My God Thats so sad and Terrible and No matter what words there are nothing can descibe that and the worse thing is that it happens alot and its not fair, I loved the way you wrote that poem it really painted A pitcure and I know I'll never be able to write so deep and meaningful like that I hope you have a great life |
by Heidi
Hey, first of all, thanks for the comment. and second of all, i'm so sorry to hear about your grandma... Things are going to be ok, just stay strong... and well, thrid of all, amazing job on your poetry... It's so scary when these thigns happen, because it's happened to me too... i'm just glad that finally your dad isnt there anymore to hurt you! .. things are going to be ok, remember, there's always someone there to make you feel okay again! |
by Gwen
U have me in tears, U are so young & have to experience thing like that. The world is just so cruel & guys like that should be burn alive. |
Wow... powerfull and sad... nice work.... so sorry about what happend... was with a girl who went through that : ( |
Wonderfully emotive. I liked the simple sad flow this poem had. |
"For I was only a child |
Wow, was that ever sad, your a really great poet, i like how you can put part of your life in poems, and make sound so good, lol i cant do that!! |