So this is death

by Rob   Dec 17, 2005

Every time it gets a little deeper
Every time I spilt more
Every time I cried more
Every time I died more
I hated myself
I wanted to forget
This life was too much
So I had planned to destroy it
Forgot the cutting
Went for a walk
Just a little down the road
Found a rail in which I climbed
Saw my demise below me
But then woke up in a chair
I had been asleep
I walked out my bedroom door
Saw that no one was there
I walked out the house
No one was there
No noise
Just silence and stillness
The sun on my face
I called out
No one replied
Not even someone to say
Shut up you idiot
I ran down the road
No cars were to be seen
I thought I was dreaming
This cant be true
There was just nothing
I ran back too the house
Looked in the mirror
I saw nothing
I just seemed to not exist
I thought to myself
Could this be it
Could this be what awaits me
Just nothing
So this is death
No love
No hate
No anger
No sadness
No joy
I thought to myself
F**k me this is no big change.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rob

    Im so happy tht screw this touched you

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