I dont know what to call this poem-my strong dam*ed emos

by Raychel   Dec 18, 2005

I cant beleive you
I want to kill you
I want you gone
If you say a single word to me,
I will kill you
I dont know why I ever said
I love You
Because right now,
I never will again.
If I ever did.
I dont want to see you.
I never want to hear your voice
I want you to disappear
Out of my life.
Never to abuse my feelings again.
Just leave me alone.
Dont dare to call me
Dont dare to find me.
I am away from you
And thats all that matters.
Not a single thing that you have to say will make me feel any better
You have done enough
You have said too much
You know too much
About how I really feel
I dont want you here.
I want the other \'\'hot\'\' girls to feel my pain
They never will
You\'ve taken out all of your hurt and anger emotion out on me.
So they will never know.
I have to be the only one;


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  • 18 years ago

    by Matthew A.

    Very good and scary...anyways its good and hope to talk to you too.