You lied

by alyshaa   Dec 18, 2005

You broke my heart
you made me cry
you don't know how much it hurt
i wanted to die
you made me feel worse
then i ever have before
when you said that to me
i have never cried more
the feeling i felt
like i was torn up inside
how i wanted to kill you
when i found out you lied
i hate you so much
but i love you way more
I'm mixed up and confused
I've never felt this before
you know i still love you
and i cant let you go
but i cant live like this
i just have to know
do you still love me?
am i still the one?
am i still your princess?
or are we done?
please tell me now
just make up your mind
do you choose her over me
or are you still mine?
just remember one thing
that i will always love you
and breaking my heart
was the worst thing you could do
i will really miss you
now that we are done
and even though you did that
i still think your the one


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  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenMemoriex

    This is a great poem! Described exactly how I felt a few weeks ago. Now i'm trying to get over him. You can too, hun. Good luck! =) Check out my poems if u want, especially So tell me you care and I wish I could hate you...

  • 19 years ago

    by jem

    Omg this poem is so good! i love it! it like...exactly describes what im going through at the moment. you put it into the right words =) good work