Silent Death

by marie   Dec 18, 2005

The day has come
I’m full of tears
I’m so confused
I’m in shock and fear

Her weakened bones can not lift her weight
She lays there hopelessly for her fate
The only thing that I can do
Is give her water through a tube
For tomorrow is the big bad day
So with all my might I kneel down and pray
I can’t believe she is going to die
As I said my last goodbye

I lay in bed
I can’t go to sleep
Because I’m thinking of her and all the memories I will keep

The next day has come and when I wake
It will already be too late

So when I’m in school that day
I try to keep the memories and tears away
But everytime I let it be
She's allways staring back at me


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Latest Comments

  • No..sad..
    if i lost my kitty idk what i would do..
    im sos orry.
    deep poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Ash Kat08

    Im so sorry about your cat, thats so sad, i could never think of my cat dying omg that would be horrible, shes like my best friend... if you ever need anyone to talk to just email me...