Comments : Im sorry i never told you

  • 19 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    Great poem. i can relate. thanks for your comment! take care,

  • 19 years ago

    by beautifuldisaster

    Great poem. It shows a great deal of feeling and it plainly states it. FLows nicely. Sounds like you would make someone a good friend. Keep up the good work. And yes my poem is about a guy. I know it doesnt flow well but it was a quick ruff draft. Thanks for the comment.

  • 19 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle


    that must be so is painful... you know, i never really call anyone my friend until i KNOW i can trust them :) btw just so you will know, (hehe) the taurus will help you as much as you helped them but only _as much_ hehe..

    im okay... i just need to forget him... want me to tell you what happened yesterday? there was a twister in two of my best friend's neighborhoods.... i hope they're okay ... ive never heard of twisters in california ...

    you're my friend :) you know why? because you're nice to me and that is what i consider the best kind of friendship. i dont like people who treat me like sh**, but you're kind and that's a great thing. :) i hope you're okay where you live, it just gets really hectic over here. i'm going to write a poem for you.... once i get everything set right. might be in a couple days >< my resolution was not to touch my pimples and write 5 poems a day lol. im not doing too good and this is day 2. what's yours? btw, happy day after new years/new years eve late/ new years lol! :)

    ~thanks for being there and asking if im okay. it means a lot to me.

    LOL (lots of love),

  • Wow, very nice poem.
    I liked the idea behind this, the words you've used fit the poem really well, the idea is very sweet.
    Well done, 5/5

    xxx cici xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    Thanks :) sorry i didn't email you, i thought you didnt email me lol .... im sooo sorry u forgive me rite? i'll email you write now....

  • 19 years ago

    by Laura Ash

    Great poem! definetly a 5! thanks for commenting my poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Gr8 work....the choice of wording was gr8...and it was just gr8...5/5!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • 18 years ago

    by Symone

    You are a very talented poet.

  • 18 years ago

    by Dolores DLF

    Thank you for your comment on my poem. I have been away from the site awhile. I have been angry because I lost my best friend because he fell in love with me. I loved him too but I never told's complicated. if only you would read my other poems they are all mostly about him. I guess I stopped writting poems for acouple of months because I was angry at life. I am back now! I wish I had a true friend like you because eventhough I am not young I feel like I am. My niece that is 16 thinks that I am her best friend. We talk for hours making her laugh and listening to her problems. I don't think about how old I am...I just believe that people should be nice to eachother. I think that it doesn't matter how old a person is as long as they care about other people and I hope that you find a true friend that will treat you the way you should be treated. I loved your poem. I am going to add you to my favorites but know that if you just want to talk. Just let me know...I am a good listener. Excellent...5/5!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Amadeous

    Wow, very nice poem.You are a very talented poet. And i like your style of writing. 5/5! i loved it

  • 18 years ago

    by me

    Well not to b mean and all but i giv it a 4/5 cuz it was good but not dat great but u still did a great job in it and have ur own style of writing ^.^