That hurt more than you could know

by missy   Dec 19, 2005

When you said there was someone else
that hurt more than you could know
but I guess I have no choice
but to walk away and let you go.

The pain cuts deep but I'll survive
and someday I'll be over you
I'll forget that I once loved
and you'll forget you loved me too!

The memories of us will fade away
all the times we'll leave behind
I'll look back and maybe even laugh
and never again will you cross my mind.

But as for now you're in my heart
soon enough from there you'll go
when you said there was someone else
that hurt more than you could know!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Wow i liked it alot..reminds me of me and my ex we dated for 1 year and 2 months...know he is rude and inconsiderate...know im getting over him bit my bit...i will forget the days we spent together and the moments he told me he cared..but i did love this it was sooo amazing!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*DiShEaRtEnEd~AnGeL*~

    Wow! It's so easy to think about other people and yet it hurts so much to think about those who you've loved for years and then have them to show their affections to someone other then you!