
by Amy   Dec 20, 2005

The human mind, a filthy wretched tool, such abuse, such neglect, sad is humanity, we gods greatest disappointments have surpassed our god, constructed our society and killed free will and righteousness, face the truth friend- you will never be free they own you now, slave away for your petty cause to build your materialistic self esteem and construct your meaningless empire to cease to exist and never be heard of again.
So repeats the cycle of life as man takes the thrown from god himself and dictates existence.
Like sheep we are condemned to follow him lacking the will to walk our own path.
We are the beings of perfection in accordance to no one, jealousy feeds instinct and hatred and we harvest one another meaninglessly.
The race is on survival is the efficiency to kill in mass numbers for aspects man created for man to please man. The innocent choices u make determine your percentage of living. Religion has turned to a mockery filled with death and carnage. I cant belong to a race of outsiders, but I am too scarce to stand in front of their legions of critics and lyres nothing will change for me.
All I can do is wait for humanity to bury itself in its atomic self confidence and erase existence.
Maybe then we can reconstruct humanity, maybe then we can feel and say things thought impossible and experience earthly joy in recognition and gratefulness of what we have been given.

*This is done by one of my friends and all comments and votes will be passed onto him.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hades

    A work of art, you have a gift, share it as often as you can

  • 19 years ago

    by Hades

    A work of art, you have a gift, share it as often as you can

  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    Incredible... i have nothing left to say...

  • 19 years ago

    by cayce
