
by .+*Jess*+.   Dec 20, 2005

Why everything is so messed up,
Why is everything so complicated?
Why do people hate me?
Why doesnt anyone care about me
The way I care about them
Why is everyone so happy
And when I come I suck the happiness out of them
Why can't I accomplish anything?
Why is it that I dont have friends that trust me
What did I do to be such an idiot??


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  • 19 years ago

    by ZOE

    Yeah it does... dw not as many ppl as u think h8 u!!! u rock jess and i think i dont have to tell ya this that often cuz u already know that ur a really gd friend to me even tho u might not think im a good friend too!!! cya!!!

  • Awww.. Alot of emotion in that poem.. I liked it though..

    but just remember..

    Life is like a heart rate, it has its ups and downs.
