I hold them so tight,
my hands trembeling with so much fright,
I have to ease the pain,
for once again hurt is running in my veins,
I try so hard,
but the scissors are so blunt,
it doesn’t hurt,
not one single bit,
I wanna grab the knife,
but if dad wakes i'm in so much strife,
I feel no physical pain,
my body numb with all the emotional pain,
i'm going crazy,
screw it here comes the knife,
so shiny and sharp,
ohhhh lookie it cuts in one quick glide,
the ‘taste’ of my own blood,
is the best feeling in the world right now,
u may b puzzled and think ‘HOW’,
well its quiet easy,
its really plain to see,
by doing this it hurts so much less,
n only think of my own skin n flesh,
so I forget about all the hurt deep inside,
there is no way to hide,
all the physical scars I will someday bear,
little kids will look at them with fear,
but I cant help it its like breathing,
I just have to have this little thing,
If I didn’t I would kill myself,
but I know It would hurt my family and friends,
to see my body go six feet under ground,
so these little scars aren’t so bad,
I could end it all in one quick sweep,
but I don’t want to sit n watch u weep,
from the heavens so high,
I will just deal with this pain in my own little way,
so don’t worry you don’t have to say,
no danni don’t do it,
its been done, been there done that,
sorry but that’s the way its got to be