Comments : So many reasons

  • 19 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    Cutting is addictive like Danika said but with the support of others you cna get through this!!! take care GD_4eva xoxo please comment if you have time!!

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    God I can relate sooo so much to this poem, sounds just like me. Wish that I could take your pain aways hunni, you deserve so much better than this. Don't forget that I am always here for you sweety, no matter what. This was my fave part:

    the blade gets harder to resist
    sometimes all i want is to not exist
    so many voices telling me to go
    one little whisper begging me no.

    Great poem, once again...I have missed new poems from you =0)

    Much love Sabrina

  • 19 years ago

    by TeArStAiNeDfAcE*

    Hey girl, I know what you are going through because I have been there. Keep your head up and keep listening to that little voice to try to win. It pays of I promise. Yeah life sucks but killing yourself isn't the answer. I tried and wound up even worse off. Cutting is a hard thig to stop believe me it took me a painfully long year to overcome it and in hte process i lost everything I didn't realize I had. The scars will never fade neither will the memory of the blade! It will always be hard until you learn to surround yourself with the right things and figure out what makes you happy. I am here whenever you need me. I would love to talk with you more. hang in there girl because I know you can make it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    Beautiful beautiful sad poem
    hope you can stay strong, listen to that little voice saying no.
    anna x

  • 18 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Aww...i loved it. it had so much emotion in it. well...yeah...thanks for the meant a lot.

  • 18 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    Wow, that was sad. it had a lot of emotion and i can feel how you feel. try to overcome the cutting thing...i tried and i did it, i know, its hard. get poem. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by .::Lovely*Letdown::.

    WOW!!! This poem is AWESOME!!! It has so many deep sayings...i love the whole little voice's so cool!! But listen...don't ever think cutting is the answer...because although it's addicting, you're just hurting yourself MORE! You can overcome it...there are better ways with dealing with talking to someone who cares about you. If you ever need to talk to someone who will just LISTEN, i'm always here!! Feel free to comment me anytime!!! AMAZING get 5/5 completely!!! Hang in there...feel free to talk to me about it...i'd be more than happy to listen!! :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Goth marionette

    I liked ur way so muchhh,its incredible,nice poem..gorgeous words..i cannot say anythin but tht ur poem is more than perfect..keep up da good work..wish you all da best..

  • 18 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me sad! i loved it though...i can relate about the cutting...though i am trying to quit...i realized it's not worth it...but...yeah...5/ was excellent.

  • Helo0o munchkin , y0u c0mmented 0ne 0f my p0ems s0 i decided t0 check 0ut y0ur p0ems . g0ttta l0ve them :D hehehe this p0em is really g0od . and just proves the reality 0f a teenAge girl :( well anyway gunnna let y0u g0 . keep it up .

    mwah mwah xx

  • 17 years ago

    by KrypticKristen

    I haven't read ur stuff in FOREVER but
    woah, i really love this one.
    I can really relate and it's really well written. It's really sad, but that is good...but i hope things do get better for you. 5/5