Fell Too Deep

by Rican Chemistry   Dec 20, 2005

Sorry for not being able to go on
I no longer have any strength
My heart keeps breaking into pieces
When you tell ppl Im just ur friend

I dont know how to tell you this
I cant seem to find a way
To tell you that I think its time
We went our seperate ways

I am tired of being second
Not being your only one
Only being yours
When your looking for fun

I love you too much now
I didnt notice what I was feeling
And now its too late
Since my heart is breaking

I fell in too deep
And I cant find my way out of ur heart
Every single kiss u now give me
Slowly tears me apart

Now when you touch me
I wonder if u touch her the same way
And I no longer feel excitement
Instead my soul slowly fades away

So I think its time to give up on us
And on everything we had
I cant believe I am thinking this
But I just cant control all of this sad

Baby please understand me
I dont want this to end
I want to be in your arms forever
I want to be more than just "special friends"

But I know that you dont love me
I know that I cant be more
So thats why today Im letting go
And I am walking out this door

Its killing me inside
For you are so great to me
You arent just a luver
You make me feel complete

But I am hurting too much
I cant deny my jealousy any more
I cant get the picture out of my head
Its making me feel so sore

My heart is broken
Ive been crying all night
Because I have to let you go
Because I have lost this fight

You belong to her
I was only a temporary thing
But oh you made me happy
You made me feel like everything

But now with the new year
And with everything we have done
I say goodbye to you and remind you
That your my only one

But that you and I arent meant to be
And I cant go on crying for you
For I know this battle is lost
I lost the moment I fell for you

Ya know who this about...I feel like letting go, but something is holding me back. I cant do it girls. I am so stuck. I love him too much. And I just cant seem to find the way to let him know how I feel.


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  • 16 years ago

    by ashley

    I knw 3xactly h0w u f33l..i f3lt lyk3 dat b4 i had 2 l3t him g0 i dnt wnt 2 but my lif3 is s0 much b3tta n0w..i l0v3 all ur p03ms

  • 19 years ago

    by mariaa

    Wow gurl u very good and another great poem bro all im tellin u is try n let go yea i kno its hard pero its da best.... n wen its dun its dun u get me ????!!!!!!!! bueno meli i g2g
    much luv

    by the way all ur poems touch me so much its not even funnie ..........

  • 19 years ago

    by Heidi

    This may sound dumb coming from someone as young as me... but if you love him, you shouldn't hold back. You never know, maybe he secretly loves you too. Don't give up, it may become something more than you expected...

  • 19 years ago

    by AmBiE

    I can relate to how you feel but i know your doin the right thing mami..this poem really speaks tho..if u need someone 2 talk to..im hea

    mucho amor..

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    I'm so sorry you have to feel this way. actually, i'm going through the same thing as you are. except that this guy of mine doesn't want to be friends anymore. and it hurts me the most. stick with what you have and be happy with it. it breaks my heart to see that you feel this way, so try to cheer up, because we all suffer through this perilous plot called, "life". and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for commenting on my poems. it means a lot to me. i hope you have a great new years! ;D 5/5