
by ThE_TrUtH_HUrTs   Dec 21, 2005

Twisting turns
Fates are grim
The life you've always known
Your happiness dimmed

Taken away from all you have known
Spread apart from the closest people
Dropped off to nothing
When your life was happy and simple

To switch schools
Is to change lives
Late nights up and awake
Filled with thoughts and cries

It's almost as if your empty
And nothing is there
Your completely isolated
And nobody seems to care

Filling with hurt and despair
All you have is a phone to communicate
But that was also taken away
And now reveals entirely lonely fate

My best friend an hour away
My boyfriend i can hardly see
Forget even about my parents
Nobody seems to care about me

Grades plummet
The amount of scars have now grown
What happened to the life i loved?
The only one i've ever known?

It was taken
That was the obvious answer
It was taken from me
Which led to this ultimate disaster

Now i sit here
Trying to put each piece back together
But weeks turn to months
And soon my failure seems to last forever

If only i was good form the start
If only i was never caught
But the truth remains entirely clear
It's no one elses but my own fault


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