
by Jolene   Dec 21, 2005

I never wanna let you go
never wanna see you cry
but things are said that aren't truly meant

i never thought you'd walk away
never thought you'd leave me here alone
but then again, things rarely go as planned

i never imagined you in someone else's arms
never thought you'd replace me like you did
but there you are- kissing your new girl

i never knew that this pain was possible
never expected to be this lonely
but here i am- crying alone in the corner

i never knew that "never" happened so much
never thought it'd happen to me
but here i am- looking at all the "nevers" in my past

i realize that i did this to myself
i never knew
i never thought
i never realized

i never knew what you felt when i left you before

i never though that i could do wrong

i never realized that you could go on without me

now i know how i never want to be without you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Luke

    I Can Relate To Your Poems Soo Much! Your Poems Are Soo Sweet.. And Show That You're Writing Them With Lots Of Heart.. It's Realy Good.. Keep It Up.