Comments : Trapped Feelings

  • 19 years ago

    by Sharna

    That is how you feel when your feelings are trapped within. I know from experience. But this was a great poem. It makes me wonder why I still didn't tell him how I feel.

  • 19 years ago

    by jewels18

    I can relate love ur poem keep wrint i wish i can write as beautifully as u

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Wow. I'm speechless... hun you've got so much talent, so I am hoping that you continue to write. This poem is beautiful, and the rhyming pattern was incredible. Keep up the great work!

  • 19 years ago

    by libby

    I quite know the feeling, and good for you for getting those emotions out some way, even if it's just anonymously on the internet, because that can still help. Just a few things about your rhyming and rhythm to which I'd like to call your attention to, if it's improvement that you're seeking. If not, feel free to disregard this.

    "All I want is for us to have the same desire.
    Love and want for one another."
    I really like this break from your rhyme scheme, it's different, making us more likely to remember it. It could be used more effectively, though, if it was just one line rather than two, because in it being two, you come to expect a rhyme.

    "He wasn't able to understand,
    that I was the one that would of done anything to hold his hand."
    The second line here is reallllly long and throws off the rhythm quite a bit. If you're planning on revision, I'd cut quite a few syllables from this line.

    All in all, good job and keep writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~amanda marie~*~

    Thx for the commet.. what do u suggest i change to teh ending?? i love this poem! it can relate to it also. ur a very talented poetry writer.. keep up the good work. thx_amanda

  • 18 years ago

    by Spanish Star

    This is a really great poem. Good job. I can so relate to the feelings you tried to express here. Keep it up:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Caitlyn

    Wow, this is a great poem, honestly. I know exactly how you feel and can really relate to it. I guess thats what makes good poems, being able to reach out to reader and make them feel and relate to what you are feeling. Just keep doing what your doing and you'll make many more amazing poems like this one.
    Great Work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    I really enjoyed reading this poem, specially the message. I understood that you're regretting not saying what you felt because now you have to see someone you love with someone else.

    Good job! 5/5

    Keep writing.


  • 18 years ago

    by NATiVEMAMA16

    This is a great poem i LOVE it! That is exactly how i feel about my best guy friend....ive been so close to him but he's dating this girl who lives in a different city and they dont even get to see each other and ive known him longer...this poem just wraps up my feelings for him....keep on writing ill be reading =] 5/5 all the way!!