Words Will Always Shatter My Soul

by C h r i s s i e___X   Dec 21, 2005

Words Will Always Shatter My Soul !

i tried so hard to push it away
but the words sank in so hard
i didn't think it would hurt
not as much as it does now

i cant hold it back
the tears streaming down my face
my tear stained cheeks
red raw from the pain

i don't want to give up
i don't want this to be it
but i know the end is near
as each word adds to the break

I'm sorry for doing this
for dragging you down
i didn't know what to do
except stare and do nothing at all

i tried to tell you how i felt
but i guess it didn't go to right
i didn't want to argue
but i guess things lead on

i sorry if i couldn't be want u wanted
and i know you can always so better
so next time your alone and have nothing to do
remember i always loved you

I'm sorry - I'm always gonna be 2nd best.


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  • 18 years ago

    by *_Clara_*

    Beautiful poem i loved it
    keep it up :)

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl. a t0uching piece. very well written. l0t 0f em0ti0n. g0od j0b expressin urself. keep it up!