Comments : Time Doesn't Heal Hearts

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    Believe me i say from experiance it may take long but time does heal hearts. you shall never firget but the pain will go and the experiance will one day help you along. btw this is a great poem and i loved it. it is greatly written. thanx for the comment on my poem about friends. i think this poem is a 5 because of its meaning and the feeling you put into. simple yet complex.

  • 19 years ago

    by lisa

    Wow great was very well written..and thanks for the comment on my poem..

  • 18 years ago

    by Dan Bloom

    This is so true...time doesnt heal hearts...but what i think heals it the most is so simple...just three small words..i love you...but yea i love this poem and you seem to have lots of emotion in yours...thats why i love them! lol good job 5/5