
by ღPrEciiOuz~KiiZeZღ   Dec 21, 2005

*i didn't write this..i found it on my friends site and i loved it...i never had an abortion before but tell me what u think about it...this is dedicated to one of my best friends*

Month 1

Mommy i am only 8 inches long, but i have all my organs
i love the sound of your voice
every time i hear it i wave my arms and legs
the sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby

Month 2

mommy, today i learned how to suck my thumb
if you could see me you could definitely tell that i am a baby
i am not big enough to survive outside of my home though
it is so warm and nice in here

month 3

you know what mommy
i am a girl!! i hope it makes you happy
i always want you to be happy
i don't like it when you cry
you sound so sad, it makes me sad too
and i cry with you even though you can't hear me

month 4

mommy, my hair is starting to grow
it is very short and fine...but i will have alot of it
i spend a lot of time exercising
i can turn my head and curl my toes
and stretch my arms and legs
i am becoming quite good at it too

month 5

you went to the doctor today mommy
he lied to you
he said that I'm not a baby
i am a baby mommy...your baby
i think and feel
...mommy whats an abortion

month 6

i can hear the doctor again. i don't like him
he seems cold and heartless
something is intruding my home
the doctor called it a needle
mommy what is it?
it burns! please make him stop!
i can't get away from it
mommy help me...NOOO!

Month 7

mommy i am OK
I'm in Jesus arms
he is holding me
he told me about abortion
why didn't you want me mommy?

Every abortion is just..
One heart that was stopped
two more eyes that will never see
two more hands that will never touch
two more legs that will never run
and one more mouth that will never speak

*this is dedicated to my poetry soul mate..you know who u r...please don't cry*


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by NEYDA


  • 17 years ago

    by Narphangu

    I personally, feel that it is any woman's choice, and to dictate that choice, regardless of situation, is absolutely wrong to do.

    This poem made me feel sad, though.

    The only part I didn't like was that it brought Jesus into it...

    I'm sorry, I'm just not at all religious.

    And that part was just such a turn off.

    But, you know, it was still generally good.

    I liked the idea.

  • 19 years ago

    by *@$*{♥Amira♥}*$@*

    HI....i...mYsElF....aborted my child....its a painful experience.....tell her i understand....but the pain will stop.....tell her that if she needed anything....a shoulder 2 cry on....i'm here....


  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Ay preciosa que te puedo decir?Honestamente me hiciste llorar. No se que hice. Tu sabes que estaba entre la pared y la espada. Y tengo una hija so se como eso es, como crecen tan rapido, como desde el primer mes ya es una vida. Deverdad lo pense mucho antes de hacerlo. Yo no soy asi. Pero me sentia con que no tenia otra opcion. Perdon le pido a mi bebe. Se que hice mal. Pero gracias a ti por entenderme. O por tratar de entenderme. Te quiero mucho.

    Your poetry soul-mate....


  • 19 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    Awww..That is so sad. If she wrote that, she is really good. It made me cry. Tell her I said great job! 5/5


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