Funeral of a Friend

by AllHailTheHeartbreaker   Dec 22, 2005

It rained that day
-- that horrid, horrid day --
when we all atteneded
that funeral of a friend.

A lovely service
a masterpiece in mind
a beautiful funeral
for a beautiful friend.

A melodious song
as sweet and pretty as the spring
but, of course, it is April
and April funeral for a friend.

A heartbreaking tale
of a beautiful girl
leaving this horrible,
cruel little world

Sweet and sorrowful
is this day
when sweet Mary left us
on this Earth to stay.

Her spirit flies free
in the skies above
looking down on us
is Mary -- our friend.

A murder, a sin
crimes and brutality
who would've guessed
our school -- our friends.

And then the rain stopped
and we looked to the sky
on this beautiful April day
the day of the funeral of a friend.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kelsie

    To me this was beautiful. i dont know why, it made me picture the funeral and made the death of a friend seem more gracious. 5/5 nice job.

  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Aww! I'm so sorry if this actually happened. I could never bear it to lose a friend. They're all so good to me. =( Great poem. I loved the flow, and the way you described how it was, and how you felt was great, considering you even had any guts to write it down on paper. Keep it up! =) xoxo 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    A great poem that deserve more that a 5 in rating.

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    Wow, great poem, is it true and if so what happened? stay strong girl, you can come through, goodluck and take care.

  • Wow this is really sad! is it tru! plz read mah poems n leave a comment if u hav time

    love courtz

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