I wish

by Brittany   Dec 22, 2005

I wish i could go back in time...
back to those
unspoiled moments
in our relationship
Before hurt
ever touched our hearts,
before doubt
ever entered our minds.
Because if i could go back
and start from those moments
once more,
I would hold you longer
never miss a chance
to tell you
How much you mean to me...
and i would never,
ever hurt you
But i know we can't go back
to those days
I know i can't erase
the mistakes.
I can't take away the questions
you must have
Or the hurt we have both felt
But i can assure you one thing:
I love you-
as i did then
and always will

I got this for my b-f it was his card it was written by Suzanne Berry and i just thought it was the sweetest thing so yeah i thought id share it with you... comment & vote ill return favors =) thanks


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Omg... that's so sad but so cute.. it's exactly how I'm feeling right now. Glad you shared it! =)