Comments : My Christmas not the same

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    That is a really sad and complicated story. It's like chooise sides and that's always hard. You have your brother and your 'sister'. It's really tough. I really hope the relationship between you two girls work out, and that your brother will at least lighten up on her. Have a wonderful Christmas, don't let situations like this ruin it for you. It's a time of smiling and being with family, think of the good. At least for Christmas. Take care Chelsey. You know I am here for you, like you have been for me. Smile :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Very sad - so much pain surrounds families sometimes, but together you can be strong again :)

    Great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Awww Chelz **wipes your tears** **hugs** This is just so sad. You have a beautiful heart, sweetie, to care as much as you do. I hope things get better for you, her and your brother. Maybe things will work out in the end for all of you. But please sweetie, don't let it ruin your Christmas. You and she can still have a friendship....... I love you girly.....

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Oh baby girl...sniff tear this was really precious hun. Did you let your brothers GF read this because Im sure it probaby would have helped her alot to know the message your speaking to her in this poem. It was beautiful babes and Im sorry that they broke up...but as much as you miss her its not your fault and Im sure this has happened for the best'll see. Enjoy a safe and happy Christmas princess Luv your bigga titta
    Risa xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    This is so sad. There's always a chance they might work it out. If it's truly meant to be things could change.

    Merry Christmas
    Love Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Hey Chelsey! how are you? :)

    This is a really sad, heartbreaking poem...*tears* I hope you didn't spend Christmas alone. perhaps things will get better as time passes....for your sake, I pray. take care and stay strong kid. I'll be thinking about you.