The One

by james22   Dec 22, 2005

I'm so confused on what to do
because without you I'm lost
lost because its you that helps get me through

i look up tot he sky and ask why ?
why did she have to go ?
all i can do is nothing but cry

these emotions are something i never felt before
i love her so much, shes the one and only i adore

fours down the drain, just like that

while shes having fun, i sit her in a pile full of pain

i feel like crap because i have her my everything
she played me, even convinced me to get a ring

now shes gone, out and about with her new boy toy
but its OK, its life, still young, i gots to enjoy

enjoy the youthful years instead of crying tears

her loss not mine but damn she played me like a game
a simple game that started off by saying our names

but like i said, its OK, it will come back to her
when shes hurt, down, just finished getting screwed over
anything and everything will be a blur

i would say I'm single and ready to mingle but I'm not
how ? you ask, simple, i just paid attention to what i was taught

while she was playing her games, i had my other girls around
doing everything, even all over the ground

but hey, someday i will find the ONE
until then, I'm going to have loads of fun

(C) copyright


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  • 17 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    This is a great poem emotion and feeling were behind each word great job!!

  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    Oh wow...this is great...i hope you do find the seem sweet...thank you so much for your comment on my poem "Not Anymore" i am trying to get over it and im sure there are other guys that wont be a jerk like my ex...thnx again i really appreciate it....
