The mysterious lights

by Ashley Berry   Dec 22, 2005

A beautiful scene of colors appears in the night sky,
Painting its way across the sky with wondrous beauty,
Its a wonderful sight for all to see.

It changes colors every second from red to orange to
Yellow to indigo and to violet.
It rribbons its way across the night sky.

Its like a vision from a dream,
Is it a message from aliens?
Are ghosts causing this wonderful scene in the sky?

These mysterious lights in the night sky are a
Mystery to all who see them.
They are one mystery that will never solve in a million years.

Even if we solve the mystery of the mysterious lights.
They will remain a wonderful sight for al to see in the night sky.
The mysterious lights in the night sky are the aurora Borealisnorthern lights.

Aurora Borealis, As it sweeps across the sky,
It paints a wonderful and mysterious scene.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Laura

    That was great keep it up Xox Laura Marie Xox 5/5