Comments : Friends: Part III-"Best Friends"

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Beautifully written!!! just w0nderful!! i h0pe u have a merry christmas! and a safe, healthy and happy new year!!! keep up the great w0rk!

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aww another pretty poem hun, aww your friends are so lucky to have a friend like you, these words are so pretty and powerful keep on writing hun your poems touch a lot of hearts, i know because it touched mine

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    Hello you, i havn't been writing or reading latly, but i decided to check up on everyone and your still amazing!!! this was sweet i don't even have that many friends to write a poem about lol but yeah your rhyming is only getting better and seeming even more natural it seems like everything flows and comes easy for you now your amazing!!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    That was so beautiful! xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Failed Attempt

    Hmmmmm not sure wat to say....anna when we talked before christmas for a bit i wanted to at least try and work things through maybe not to get back the same freindship because that can never be the same but at least try to form sume sort of relationship but........there wasn't much effort in return ......theres so much i want to say to you but wats the point maybe its better this way im not u miss me or have u forgotten not sure if i want to be freinds but i do want to talk to you please write back when you like to hear from you.....luv kate..