Lies lies lies

by estefani   Dec 22, 2005

Trying to forget you is all i need to do
trying to forget you is what will make me stop been such a fool
babe i gave you all my heart
but all you did was tear it apart.
you played on me and cheated you lied and and didnt even give me a chance.
i defended you from every one,but you always denyed me when you were with some one who didnt like me
babe no one liked you but i did i did the best for you but you turned it down. who knew you would be sucha frod
baby if all you were looking for was to hit it then quit it babe go find your self some one else cause you had the best but you truw it all away


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxFallenxFromxGracexX

    Great work!!!! nice rhymming!!! keep up the great writing!!!
    Luv FallenxFromxGrace

  • 18 years ago

    by MaDeERa

    Yo, i got u. but did u read all ma oder poemz
    but u kool