Her Seductive Voice

by VioletRaven   Dec 22, 2005

No one is coming
To save you my dear,
Your cry in the dark
No one can hear,
All those you loved
Have left you again,
In deep silent dark,
Alone with your pain.

But I am with you
She says in my ear,
I'm always with you,
I'm always right here.
She is the voice
I hear in the night,
She loves to whisper
Despair and delight.

She is my mind,
Treacherous and true,
She tells me all
That is hidden from you,
I don't want to listen,
Her honey smoke voice,
But I am alone here,
I don't have a choice.

Nothing can reach me
She steals my life,
I cannot get rid of
My suffering and strife.
They'll never know
This conflict I face,
She's smothering me
With a loving embrace.


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxFallenxFromxGracexX

    Excellent poem!! ur a great poet keep up the awesome work!
    luv Fallen xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by President Dead

    I really like this one, you rhyme the way i rhyme, i always like that in poems, but again very well written.

  • 19 years ago

    by ♥ no_one_knows ♥

    Wow thats really well written. I feel like there's someone in my head controlling me so I can relate to this poem a lot. I really love it. 5/5 definately!!! keep up the good work and read some of my poems if u ever have time.

  • 19 years ago

    by DBM

    ... Wow... nice. 5/5 You are really talented. And like TheRavensGhost said, I'd like to know who inspired it. If you don't mind telling me of course.

    Anyway, keep your head up, and I hope to talk to you soon.