by sonya Dec 23, 2005
category :
Sadness, depression /
grieving, loss
I sit hear and wonder where you been i mean you were hear one day and the next day u left me in this cold world all alone. but why did u have to leave me that soon i kno u were sick but still why couldn\'t you have gotten better so u could live my life with me. i was only 4 when u left me in this world and i sit hear and look vak on the pictures of us and cry. i use to be ur favorite. every one around me never notices how much i really do miss u. if i could wish for any thing in the world it would be for u to come bak and be the grama u always were. my brother is married and has 2 kids and mom is hear and gramp has been in and out of the hostpital and i\'m just tryin to survive all of it. i\'m almost 17. but i kno u are lookin over me ever min. and one more thing b4 i go I LUV U GRAM AND I MISS U! |
This makes me sad..... i know how it feels |
by Independent
This is very touching... same with me except it waz ma grandpa n a month before i was very sorry! |