Comments : Wake Up

  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha

    This is pretty good! you have a clear strong message and thats what i like to see! keep it up!


  • 18 years ago

    by Dreams

    I think the message you're trying to convey here is deep and I got it so I feel that it's not necessary to make it any longer. But still, it's just my opinion. =) Anyway, this is quite an encouraging poem, something so true and yet few can truly see it. Thanks for penning it in words. =)

    One thing though I had in mind,
    'You can find another manner to get away'
    I feel that 'manner' kind of disrupt the flow a little there, though I can't think of a better word for you as this is your poem... Anyway, maybe it's just me. =P

    This is a worthy read, thank you.